... serving and supporting missionaries ...

Missionaries are on the cross-cultural front lines of equipping and bringing freedom & healing to those whom God loves and desires to be in relationship with for eternity.   The physical, emotional, and spiritual health of these missionaries is critical in God’s call to serve in the countries, cultures, and communities where they live and serve.


From a geographically-close location, our call is to support and help meet the ongoing needs of these missionaries working in (often) geographically, culturally, emotionally, and spiritually challenging territory.


We serve, care, advocate, and assist - however and wherever needed - playing a supportive and encouraging role to help protect and bolster the spiritual, emotional, and physical health of missionaries and missionary families. 


... encouraging and equipping pastors ...

As Foursquare pastors, we have served in both developing  (church plants) and established churches in the United States, and are now similarly investing in the role of encouraging, serving, and assisting the needs of pastors and church planters in the nations of Eastern Europe. We make this investment as the Lord gives opportunity and direction.

These pastors, called to reach and disciple the people of and immigrants to their countries, are a key element in reaching the continent of Europe for Christ.  We assist them in their strategic work of discipling and raising up additional leaders. 


Our field-based location is ideal for being able to serve and make a regular and ongoing investment in these pastors and leaders called to reach their nations with the Gospel.