Channels of Aid

Every channel of aid into Ukraine is critical. So, establishing aid channels and keeping them open is near the top of the prayer request list right now. And though the west of Ukraine has largely been safe, today we are hearing of the war coming there, in new ways, as well.

We are so thankful for the three channels we have that seem to be holding. And we thank the Lord that these are not the only ones. There are hundreds of people dedicating their time and resources to getting aid into the country. Please keep all of us, and each aid channel in your prayers.

We are using the support funds you are sending to help supply aid for all three of the following channels:

(1) The young Ukrainians managing the HP house. They have been driving aid, in a large van, to connections in the west of Ukraine,. They just picked up the load of mostly food and child aid (diapers, baby food, etc.) yesterday that we collected and purchased this week.
- About 2 tons of food aid per trip.

(2) Our connection at the ACS Church in Presov. This is the channel that Roman and I assisted with week before last - taking 4-6 tons of aid in / 40-50 passengers (refugees) out. Our contact is making 1-3 trips per week with aid drops in Uzhhorod and Lviv, and then making passenger (refugee) pickups for final destinations in Poland and Slovakia.
- About 4-6 tons of food/medical aid and 40-50 refugees per trip.

(3) W are also working with the humanitarian organization Integra, here in Slovakia. They delivered their first truckload (lorry) into western Ukraine last week, and hope to repeat this (with enough funding) once per week. We are coordinating with missionaries in Austria and Poland who have connections they believe can get us medical aid (a priority for the Integra channel), either from Austria or from sources in the United States.
- About 10-20 tons per trip.

Each of the above channels have connections in the west of Ukraine that then distribute the food and other aid east. These trips further east are critical, but very risky. Please pray over those who are distributing further, all that we can supply.

Thank you for your continued financial support. We are grateful to be able to be your hands and feet extended to Slovakia and to Ukraine for those in desperate need. Thank you for standing with us and standing for us!