Family From Kharkiv & Sumy

We have a dear young couple in our City Church International congregation here in Bratislava. (“V” & “D” … with 1-year old son “A”) They live and work here, but have family (moms & dads, and siblings) in Ukraine - in both Kharkiv and Sumy. If you’re been following developments, then you know that both of these cities are areas of intense fighting and extreme risk right now.

For the most part, these family members were determined to stay, though Sunday we were informed that V’s mom had decided to leave and come to Bratislava. The trek is long as most refugees are avoiding main roads in favor of the safer (but much slower and longer) backroads through small villages. V’s mom can only manage, by car, about 300 km (180 miles) per day.

We learned that much of D’s family made the decision to evacuate also as some safe transit corridors were established. They too will find slow and dangerous travel, especially until they are well clear of the active war areas. Winter is still present in Europe and there are many unknowns. The marathon they face at the border is daunting enough. Thousands of refugees. all seeking safety and in foreign countries.

First and foremost we are praying for V&D’s family members’ safety - protection from dangers of war and safety for their travel. That the Lord would cover every detail and provide all that they need … food, water, fuel, shelter (if needed). We are working to find places for them to stay, and will do everything we can to help when they arrive.

V&D&A are our family … so this hits really close to home. Please pray for wisdom and favor in finding and providing all that this displaced family needs to have some sense of peace and comfort here. What a privilege to serve with the Lord’s love and compassion in this way. We will keep you posted.