Alžbety Aid Bank

Though the flow of refugees out of Ukraine into Slovakia has slowed, it remains steady. The English-language news service Slovak Spectator reported on June 1st that a total of 477,000 had crossed since the beginning of the war, and that currently, that number is increasing by up to 2,000 daily.

Some are staying in the east of Slovakia. Some are continuing on to other EU countries. And many come to Bratislava seeking housing, food, and jobs. The Slovak government is helping in many ways, but there are still many needs. The HP House, managed by a group of Ukrainian young adults and aided in many ways by our ACS congregations, continues to house up to 30 refugees at a time. We anticipate the home to be in operation for many months, and we will support them for the duration.

Most refugees do not have much in the way of means to buy food and clothes until they have secured work in their adopted nation. The Slovak government is helping with monthly stipends. But the amounts are small, so many organizations and individuals are standing in in the gap to help.

The Alžbety Aid Bank is one such organization. Run by Ukrainian volunteers, with space provided by Alžbety University, they are helping meet these needs. And with your loving support of our work specific to Ukraine, we are assisting by purchasing and providing aid - food, diapers, baby food & formula, shoes & clothing, and personal care and hygiene products. Every item makes this “pop up” store a critical lifeline for refugees needing help until they secure work locally or return to Ukraine as many are now doing.

Continue to join us in prayer for every aid lifeline - both the ones we are assisting here in Bratislava and those we are working with to meet the needs in western Ukraine. There are now more than 3 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) who have joined residents already living in western cities like Lviv and Uzhorrod. But the response is an incredible testimony to God’s compassion. Ukraine helping their own refugees … Slovaks and other European nations helping refugees … the world helping refugees. Your support is truly helping meet needs on both fronts. Thank you for continuing to help us help them!