Pictures, Or It Didn’t Happen

Have you heard that phrase? As ministers of God’s love and compassion in a very difficult situation, we struggle with the tension between communicating well all that we are doing, and protecting the dignity, privacy (and even security) of those the Lord invites us to help.

There are pictures, of course. And we are asked to provide what we can to tell the story. But we will always fall on the side of letting our actions (not our photos) speak for the work that the Lord has invited us to join Him in - both in Slovakia and in Ukraine. Thank you for trusting us in that - with or without pictures.

Often we feel a hesitancy even to ask for a photo - of co-laborers, of those we are helping or their families, homes, etc. We share what we feel is acceptable - both to those in the pictures and to the Lord.

Thank you for the trust you place in us when you send support to be love and compassion to the people of Ukraine. They are an incredibly strong and resilient people … and the first in line to help their own people. We stand with them and stand for them, with your help. Thank you and God bless you!

Our next planned trip to Tarashcha will take place the week of October 17th. We want to further assess the current and ongoing needs, assisting those directly responsible for aid distribution in this small town. Thank you for standing with us in prayer for wise discernment on how to continue to help.

We work, now, to quicken and increase the amount of food (and warm clothes) aid moving into Ukraine. The winter is coming and those currently without it will be incredibly blessed by the food and warmth provided by God through your support and our hands. Thank you!