
Situated just six miles from the war front, Hirnyk (prounounced “hearneeak” is a small town of about 11,000 people. Reminders of the nearby war are constant. Shelling from both sides rumble throughout the day and wary eyes are always scouring the skies for the possibility of drones. Earlier in the week - about 2 days before we arrived - several missiles struck a small neighborhood, killing young and old, destroying homes and lives. You would never see evidence of these events if you simply looked into the eyes and faces of the people who we met and served during our 8 hours there. For these … the only life they know must go on. So their faces reflect resilience, courage, and even in some cases … joy and hope. They are the beautiful faces of Ukraine.

People of faith, including Pastor Sergei, are determined to be the light of Jesus in midst of the darkness that is this war. Sergei actually pastors two different churches in this small town, and is planting a third in a nearby village. Yes, that’s right, I said (in the midst of a war that is just 5 miles away) he is planting a third church.

Our team had the opportunity to bring the gospel, some worship, and some boxed food and freshly baked bread to these two communities of faith and all that chose to attend and listen. And there were many. Of course there were many seeking the food they desperately needed. But they also heard about a Man who is the bread of life - and we continue to pray that He is one that they come to hunger even more.

If we can be even one’s day’s encouragement to people like Sergei, then all of the support generously given to our work, and the work done by the loving hands of our teams, have found their rightful kingdom place. There were so many grateful hearts among the people of this town. And our message to them … thank you for being an example to the world. And example of strength, courage, and love poured out to your own brothers and sisters.

We were humbled by the faith of Sergei and his family. Humbled by the Ukrainian people who stand in the face of war and insist on living their lives into freedom. Humbled by God’s provision and calling among all those who serve Ukraine and Ukrainian people - from within and from outside. He is indeed the Way Maker.